Wednesday, March 18, 2020

It's a Beautiful Day (Week 2) March 23-27, 2020

Dear First Graders,

I hope you had a beautiful weekend with your family.  I wanted to send you a plan for the week of March 23-27.

Please read at least one book on Epic, one book on RAZ Kids, and one real book each day.  Please make sure you record your books on RAZ Kids and don't forget to take your quizzes.  I'll be working on assigning more books individually on Tuesday.  Please focus on your Reading Room and Level Up assignments right now.

Please listen to Whistle for Willie by Ezra Jack Keats on YouTube.

Writing Prompt for Monday:

Write about something you haven't learned to do yet.

Writing Prompt for Tuesday:

Write about your pet or a pet you would like to have.  Write about what adventures you have had or would like to have with that pet.

Writing Prompt for Wednesday:

Write about your favorite wild animal.  Write down questions you have about that wild animal.  Bring your questions to morning meeting.

Writing Prompt for Thursday:

Write a thank you note to someone who has helped you.  

Writing Prompt for Friday:

Write a silly story.  The sillier the better.

Words to practice spelling:


Words to practice reading:


If you have finished working on these words, please work on reviewing sight words and spelling words from our review list.

Sight Words for Stories 1-23:

Spelling Words for Stories 1-23:



Please work on the following pages in Sadlier phonics if you are able to access the book:

Unit 5 Lesson 23.  

Please work on these IXL language arts objectives.

B1, B2, CC1, DD1, DD2, HH1, HH2, HH3, PP1, PP2, PP3

Please work on these IXL math objectives.

P1 through P13.

Please watch these videos on measurement:

Please watch these videos on clocks:

Practice measuring items around your house with a ruler.  Practice telling time to the hour and half hour with your parents.

Please read the following articles on butterflies and take notes in your panda notebooks:

Over the weekend, please gather any Elephant and Piggie books you might have at home.  I'll explain why soon:)

I would like to leave you with this Mister Rogers quote which you may have already seen.

My thoughts and prayers are with you.  

If you have any questions, please send me a message on Skype.

See you Monday Morning:)

Miss Deem

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Thank You, Tim Allen

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